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Earn Your Studium Certification

Studium Alliance Certification


A badge that certifies a specific university curriculum

for being endorsed by industry employers,

confirming that the curriculum teaches the skills

 that employers are looking for.

Icons Sales Collateral

Imagine this certification badge on HEI’s

collateral and website

Icon Parents and Students

Imagine parents and students enrolling with peace of mind

Icon Handshake

Imagine employers hiring with peace of mind

Our process is simple:

The Studium Certification Process

Gather Industry Requirements:

We gather industry requirements, through a combination of data analysis and industry engagement workshops. We document this in a wiki-style repository, where industry custodians can keep adding and editing, with a rigorous moderation process in place.

Outcomes Available to HEI's:

We make the output of the Industry workshops available to Higher Education Institutions, as a FREE open education resource. We hope and intend for education institutions to use this information to assess their curricula against industry needs.

Update Curricula:

Higher Education Institutions use the industry information to keep their curricula updated.  They can opt to use Studium Alliance, or any other instructional design specialist, to assist in this process. 

Audit and Certification:

When HEI's are confident that their curricula meet industry-defines requirements, they may submit their curricula for Studium Alliance's "Industry-Aligned Curriculum" Certification. The certification is administered and underwritten by a third party for credibility and then captured on the Blockchain for verification and transparency.

Education Delivery:

HEI's can market and deliver their industry-verified curriculum and provide peace of mind to students, parents and employers.  

Our first two industry certification processes are under way:


- Supply Chain and Logistics

- Functional Artificial Intelligence

If you would like to get involved in the process, or get your curriculum certified, let us know on the Contact Form and we will be in touch.

Let's work together. Get in touch

If you would like us to contact you for a consultation, simply leave your details in the contact form:

If you would like to learn about our Industry Engagement Workshops, go here:

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